W naszym Instytucie Biotechnologii w Weryni k. Rzeszowa odbędzie się spotkanie naukowe na temat starzenia się. Poprowadzi je światowej sławy specjalista w tej dziedzinie Suresh Rattan, redaktor naczelny pisma Biogerontology.
An interactive workshop on Ageing, Health and Longevity
Chairman and Guest-of-Honour
Suresh Rattan Ph.D., Dr.scient.
Editor-in-Chief, BIOGERONTOLOGY International Student Coordinator Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics Aarhus University Denmark
„Unlike the regular usual lectures, this workshop aims to bring out the thoughts, ideas, opinions of students on various questions about life, death, old age, health, disease – what should we do, what can we do, what would we do – a different approach, and a guaranteed different experience. You will be surprised how much you know and is hiding in your subconscious” Suresh Rattan
Date: 15.10.2015 start: 9.30 a.m.
Institute of Applied Biotechnology and Basic Sciences University of Rzeszow,
Werynia 502 (Palace)
Free-of-charge workshop ,
Registration deadline: 12.09.2015 (15:00)
Registration e-mail: spotkaniebiogerontologiczne@gmail.com
Please note that the number of places is limited!!!
You can also find us on Facebook!
Please find more information about our Chairman and Guest-of-Honour
on website http://sureshrattan.com/
Będzie także na temat śmierci? Ciekawe.. Nawet na studiach podyplomowych z geriatrii o tym nie mówią..
starzenie i śmierć to odrębne specjalności